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This is a brief overview of Controller internals.

Suppose you have a Controller for a main object K which owns a child object C.

I.e. if child_c is an Api<C> and main_k is an Api<K>, then the following code sets up this basic scenario:

Controller::new(main_k, watcher::Config::default())
    .owns(child_c, watcher::Config::default())
    .run(reconcile, error_policy, context)
    .for_each(|_| futures::future::ready(()))

This Controller builder sets up a series of streams and links between them:

graph TD
    K{{Kubernetes}} -->|Event K| W(watchers)
    K -->|Event C| W
    W -->|map C -> K| I(queue)
    W -->|owned K| I
    RU -->|run| R(reconciler)
    A(applier) -->|poll| I
    A -->|schedule| S(scheduler)
    A -->|poll| S
    A -->|next| RU(runner)
    R -->|Update| X{{World}}
    R -.->|result| A
    subgraph "Controller"
    subgraph "Application"

I.e. basic flow.

  • watchers poll the Kubernetes api for changes to configured objects (K and C)
  • stream of events from each watcher needs to be turned into a stream of the same type
  • streams of non K type run through mappers (C maps to K through relations)
  • initial queue created as the union of these streams

The applier then polls this stream and merges it further with previous reconciliation results (requeues for a later time). This forces the need for a scheduler.


The queue is the stream of inputs.

It takes N main inputs (root object, related objects, external triggers), and it is our trigger_selector.


The scheduler wraps the object to be reconciled in a future that will resolve when its associated timer is up.

All reconcile requests go through this, but only requeues are delayed significantly.


The applier is the most complicated component on the diagram because it is in charge of juggling the various input streams, invoking the scheduler and runner, and also somehow produce a stream of reconcile results at the same time.

The flow of doing this is quite complicated in rust so the way this is done internally is likely subject to change in the long run. Please refer to the source of the applier for more details.

It is possible to set up the controller machinery yourself by creating the queue yourself from watchers and then calling the applier with the queue injected, but this is not recommended.