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The Reconciler#

The reconciler is the user-defined function in charge of reconciling the state of the world.

async fn reconcile(o: Arc<K>, ctx: Arc<T>) -> Result<Action, Error>

It is always called with the object type that you instantiate the Controller with, independent of what auxiliary objects you may be watching:

graph TD
    K{{Kubernetes}} -->|changes| W(watchers)
    W -->|correlate| A(applier)
    A -->|run| R(reconciler)
    R -->|Update| X{{World}}
    R -.->|result| A
    subgraph "Controller"
    subgraph "Application"

A Controller is a system that will:

  1. watch resources from the Kubernetes api (main + related objects)
  2. map returned objects (via relations) into your main object
  3. schedule and run reconciliations
  4. observe the result of reconciliations to decide when to reschedule

Details about this system is explored in internals and architecture.

You must instantiate a Controller in your application, and define your reconcile + error_policy fns.

The World#

The state of the world is your main Kubernetes object along with anything your reconciler touches.

The World >= Kubernetes

While your main object must reside within Kubernetes, it is possible to manage/act on changes outside Kubernetes.

You do not have to configure the world, as any side effect you perform implicitly becomes the world for your controller. It is, however, beneficial to specify any relations your object has with the world to ensure reconcile is correctly invoked:

What triggers reconcile#

The reconciler is invoked - for an instance of your object - if:

  • that main object changed
  • an owned object (with ownerReferences to the main object) changed
  • a related object/api (pointing to the main object) changed
  • the object had failed reconciliation before and was requeued earlier
  • the object received an infrequent periodic reconcile request

In other words; reconcile will be triggered periodically (infrequently), and immediately upon changes to the main object, or related objects.

It is therefore beneficial to configure relations so the Controller will know what counts as a reconcile-worthy change.

Typically, this is accomplished with a call to Controller::owns on any owned Api and ensuring ownerReferences are created in your reconciler. See relations for details.

Reasons for reconciliation#

Notice that the ReconcileReason is not included in the signature of reconcile; you only get the object. The reason for this omission is to encourage fault-tolerance:

Fault-tolerance against missed messages

If your controller has downtime you can miss messages. Additionally, the Kubernetes watch api does not guarantee delivery. You will likely miss some messages, and when this happens, Kubernetes will coalesce the ones you have not received into one single message.

As a result, the ReconcileReason is a debugging best-effort property (for telemetry). You should not attempt to write logic against the reason in your reconciler.

Instead, you must write a defensive reconciler and handle missed messages, and partial runs:

  • assume nothing about why reconciliation started
  • assume the reconciler could have failed at any question mark
  • check every property independently (you always start at the beginning)

The type of defensive function writing described above is intended to grant a formal property called idempotency.


A function is said to be idempotent if it can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.

A reconciler must be idempotent

If a reconciler is triggered twice for the same object, it must cause the same outcome. Care must be taken to ensure operations are not dependent on all-or-nothing approaches, and the flow of the reconciler must be able to recover from errors occurring in previous reconcile runs.

Let us create a reconciler for a custom PodManager resource that will:

  • create an associated Pod with ownerReferences
  • note its creation time on the status object of PodManager

Both of these operations are idempotent by themselves, but you must be careful with how you combine them.

Combining Idempotent Operations#

The naive approach to the above problem would be to check if the work has been done, and if not, do it:

if pod_missing {

Now, what happens if the timestamp creation fails after the pod got created? The second action will never get done!

Reconciler interruptions

If your reconciler errored half-way through a run; the only way you would know what failed, is if you check everything.

Therefore the correct way to do these two actions is to do them independently:

if pod_missing {
if is_timestamp_missing() {

In-depth Solution#

Let's suppose we have access to an Api<Pod> and an Api<PodManager> (via a context):

let api: Api<PodManager> = ctx.api.clone();
let pods: Api<Pod> = Api::default_namespaced(ctx.client.clone());

and let's define the Pod we want to create as:

fn create_owned_pod(source: &PodManager) -> Pod {
    let oref = source.controller_owner_ref(&()).unwrap();
    Pod {
        metadata: ObjectMeta {
            owner_references: Some(vec![oref]),
        spec: my_pod_spec(),

one approach of achieving idempotency is to check every property carefully::

// TODO: find using ownerReferences instead - has to be done using jsonpath...
// {range .items[?(.metadata.ownerReferences.uid=262bab1a-1c79-11ea-8e23-42010a800016)]}{}{end}
// make a helper for this?
let podfilter = ListParams::default()
    .labels(format!("owned-by/{}", obj.name_any()));

// if owned pod is not created, do the work to create it
let pod: Pod = match &pods.list(&podfilter).await?[..] {
    [p, ..] => p, // return the first found pod
    [] => {
        let pod_data = create_owned_pod(&obj);
        pods.create(pod_data).await? // return the new pod from the apiserver

if obj.status.pod_created.is_none() {
    // update status object with the creation_timestamp of the owned Pod
    let status = json!({
        "status": PodManagerStatus { pod_created: pod.meta().creation_timestamp }
    api.patch_status(&obj.name_any(), &PatchParams::default(), &Patch::Merge(&status))

but we can actually simplify this significantly by taking advantage of idempotent Kubernetes apis:

let pod_data = create_owned_pod(&obj);
let serverside = PatchParams::apply("mycontroller");
let pod = pods.patch(pod.name_any(), serverside, Patch::Apply(pod_data)).await?

// update status object with the creation_timestamp of the owned Pod
let status = json!({
    "status": PodManagerStatus { pod_created: pod.meta().creation_timestamp }
api.patch_status(&obj.name_any(), &PatchParams::default(), &Patch::Merge(&status))

Here we are taking advantage of Server-Side Apply and deterministic naming of the owned pod to call the equivalent of kubectl apply on the pod_data.

The patch_status is already idempotent, and does not technically need the pre-check. However, we might wish to keep the check, as this will lead to less networked requests.

Using Context#

To do anything useful inside the reconciler like persisting your changes, you typically need to inject some client in there.

The way this is done is through the context parameter on Controller::run. It's whatever you want, packed in an Arc.

// Context for our reconciler
struct Data {
    /// kubernetes client
    client: Client,
    /// In memory state
    state: Arc<RwLock<State>>,

let context = Arc::new(Data {
    client: client.clone(),
    state: state.clone(),
Controller::new(foos, watcher::Config::default())
    .run(reconcile, error_policy, context)

then you can pull out your user defined struct (here Data) items inside reconcile:

async fn reconcile(object: Arc<MyObject>, ctx: Arc<Data>) -> Result<Action, Error> {
    ctx.state.write().await.last_event = Utc::now();
    let reporter =;
    let objs: Api<MyObject> = Api::all(ctx.client.clone());
    // ...


If you have dependencies, you should configure some form of gc.


The root reconcile function should be instrumented with logs, traces and metrics.

See the observability document for how to add good instrumentation to your reconcile fn.


WIP. Separate document for posting diagnostic events to the events api + using the status object.