This document showcases common techniques for instrumentation:
- logs (via tracing + tracing-subscriber + EnvFilter)
- traces (via tracing + tracing-subscriber + opentelemetry-otlp + opentelemetry + [opentelemetry_sdk])
- metrics (via tikv/prometheus exposed via actix-web)
and follows the approach of controller-rs.
Most of this logic happens in main
, before any machinery starts, so it will liberally .unwrap()
Adding Logs#
We will use the tracing library for logging because it allows us reusing the same system for tracing later.
cargo add tracing
cargo add tracing-subscriber --features=json,env-filter
We will configure this in main
by creating a json
log layer with an EnvFilter picking up on the common RUST_LOG
environment variable:
let logger = tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer().json();
let env_filter = EnvFilter::try_from_default_env()
.or_else(|_| EnvFilter::try_new("info"))
This can be set as the global collector using:
We will change how the collector
is built if using tracing, but for now, this is sufficient for adding logging.
Adding Traces#
Following on from logging section, we add extra dependencies to let us push traces to an opentelemetry collector (sending over gRPC with tonic):
cargo add opentelemetry --features=trace
cargo add opentelemetry_sdk --features=rt-tokio
cargo add opentelemetry-otlp
Telemetry Dependencies
This simple use of cargo add
above assumes the above dependencies may not always work well at latest versions. You might receive multiple versions of opentelemetry
libs / tonic
in cargo tree
(which might not work), and due to different release cycles and pins, you might not be able to upgrade opentelemetry dependencies immediately. For working combinations see for instance the pins in controller-rs + examples in tracing-opentelemetry.
Setting up the layer and configuring the collector
follows fundamentally the same process:
let otel = tracing_opentelemetry::OpenTelemetryLayer::new(init_tracer());
Change our registry setup to use 3 layers:
However, tracing requires us to have a configurable location of where to send spans, the provders needs to be globally registered, and you likely want to set some resource attributes, so creating the actual tracer
requires a bit more work:
fn init_tracer() -> opentelemetry_sdk::trace::Tracer {
use opentelemetry::trace::TracerProvider;
use opentelemetry_otlp::{SpanExporter, WithExportConfig};
use opentelemetry_sdk::{runtime, trace::Config};
let endpoint = std::env::var("OPENTELEMETRY_ENDPOINT_URL").expect("Needs an otel collector");
let exporter = SpanExporter::builder()
let provider = sdktrace::TracerProvider::builder()
.with_batch_exporter(exporter, runtime::Tokio)
) must point to an otlp port on otel collector / tempo / etc. This can point to
if you portforward to it when doing cargo run
locally, but in the cluster it should be the cluster dns as e.g. http://promstack-tempo.monitoring.svc:431
For some starting resource attributes;
use opentelemetry_sdk::Resource;
fn resource() -> Resource {
use opentelemetry::KeyValue;
KeyValue::new("service.name", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")),
KeyValue::new("service.version", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")),
which can be extended better using the opentelemetry_semantic_conventions.
For a full setup example for this code see controller-rs/telemetry.rs.
Once you have initialised your registry, you can start adding #[instrument]
attributes onto functions you want. Let's do reconcile
async fn reconcile(foo: Arc<Foo>, ctx: Arc<Data>) -> Result<Action, Error>
Note that the reconcile
span should generally be the root span in the context of a controller. A reconciliation starting is generally the root of the chain, and since the reconcile
fn is invoked by the runtime, nothing significant sits above it.
Higher levels spans
Do not #[instrument]
any function that creates a Controller as this would create an unintentionally wide (application lifecycle wide) span being a parent to all reconcile
spans. Such a span will be problematic to manage.
Linking Logs and Traces#
To link logs and traces we take advantage that tracing data is being outputted to both logs and our tracing collector, and attach the trace_id
onto our root span:
#[instrument(skip(ctx), fields(trace_id))]
async fn reconcile(foo: Arc<Foo>, ctx: Arc<Data>) -> Result<Action, Error> {
let trace_id = get_trace_id();
if trace_id != TraceId::INVALID {
Span::current().record("trace_id", field::display(&trace_id));
todo!("reconcile implementation")
This part is useful for Loki or other logging systems as a way to cross-link from logs to traces.
Extracting the trace_id
requires a helper function atm:
pub fn get_trace_id() -> opentelemetry::trace::TraceId {
use opentelemetry::trace::TraceContextExt as _;
use tracing_opentelemetry::OpenTelemetrySpanExt as _;
and it is the only reason for needing to directly add opentelemetry as a dependency.
Adding Metrics#
This is the most verbose part of instrumentation because it introduces the need for a webserver, along with data modelling choices and library choices.
There are multiple libraries that you can use here;
- tikv's prometheus library :: most battle tested library available, lacks newer features
- prometheus/client_rust :: official, newish. supports exemplars.
- measured :: very new, client-side cardinality control and memory optimisations
While controller-rs uses client_rust to support exemplars,
this tutorial will use tikv/rust-prometheus
for now:
cargo add prometheus
We will start creating a basic Metrics
struct to house two metrics, a histogram and a counter:
pub struct Metrics {
pub reconciliations: IntCounter,
pub failures: IntCounterVec,
pub reconcile_duration: HistogramVec,
impl Default for Metrics {
fn default() -> Self {
let reconcile_duration = HistogramVec::new(
"The duration of reconcile to complete in seconds"
.buckets(vec![0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1., 5., 15., 60.]),
let failures = IntCounterVec::new(
"reconciliation errors",
&["instance", "error"],
let reconciliations =
IntCounter::new("doc_controller_reconciliations_total", "reconciliations").unwrap();
Metrics {
and as these metrics are measurable entirely from within reconcile
or error_policy
we can attach the struct to the context passed to the reconciler##using-context.
Measuring our metric values can then be done by explicitly taking a Duration
inside reconcile
, but it is easier to wrap this in a struct that relies on Drop
with a convenience constructor:
pub struct ReconcileMeasurer {
start: Instant,
metric: HistogramVec,
impl Drop for ReconcileMeasurer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let duration = self.start.elapsed().as_millis() as f64 / 1000.0;
impl Metrics {
pub fn count_and_measure(&self) -> ReconcileMeasurer {
ReconcileMeasurer {
start: Instant::now(),
metric: self.reconcile_duration.clone(),
and call this from reconcile
with one line:
async fn reconcile(foo: Arc<Foo>, ctx: Arc<Context>) -> Result<Action, Error> {
let _timer = ctx.metrics.count_and_measure(); // increments now
// main reconcile body here
Ok(...) // drop impl invoked, computes time taken
and handle the failures
metric inside your error_policy
fn error_policy(doc: Arc<Document>, error: &Error, ctx: Arc<Context>) -> Action {
warn!("reconcile failed: {:?}", error);
ctx.metrics.reconcile_failure(&doc, error);
Action::requeue(Duration::from_secs(5 * 60))
impl Metrics {
pub fn reconcile_failure(&self, doc: &Document, e: &Error) {
.with_label_values(&[doc.name_any().as_ref(), e.metric_label().as_ref()])
We could increment the failure metric directly, but we have also made a helper function stashed away that extracts the object name and a short error name as labels for the metric.
This type of error extraction requires an impl on your Error
type. We use Debug
impl Error {
pub fn metric_label(&self) -> String {
Exemplars linking Logs and Traces
In controller-rs (using prometheus_client) we attached our trace_id
to the histogram metric - through count_and_measure
- to be able to cross-browse from grafana metric panels into a trace-viewer. See this comment for more info.
For prometheus to obtain our metrics, we require a web server. As per the webserver guide, we will assume actix-web.
In our case, we will pass a State
struct that contains the Metrics
struct and attach it to the HttpServer
in main
HttpServer::new(move || {
.app_data(Data::new(state.clone())) // new state
.service(metrics) // new endpoint
the metrics
service is the important one here, and its implementation is able to extract the Metrics
struct from actix's web::Data
async fn metrics(c: web::Data<State>, _req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {
let metrics = c.metrics(); // grab out of actix data
let encoder = TextEncoder::new();
let mut buffer = vec![];
encoder.encode(&metrics, &mut buffer).unwrap();
What Metrics#
The included metrics failures
, reconciliations
and a reconcile_duration
histogram will be sufficient to have prometheus compute a wide array of details:
- reconcile amounts in last hour -
- hourly error rates -
sum(rate(failures[1h]) / sum(rate(reconciliations[1h]))
- success rates - same rate setup but
reconciliations / (reconciliations + failures)
- p90 reconcile duration -
histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(reconciliations[1h])))
and you could then create alerts on aberrant values (e.g. say 10% error rate, zero reconciliation rate, and maybe p90 durations >30s).
The above metric setup should comprise the core need of a standard controller (although you may have more things to care about than our simple example).
It is possible to derive metrics from conditions and fields in your CRD schema using runtime flags to kube-state-metrics
without instrumentation, but since this is an implicit dependency for operators, it should not be a default.
You will also want resource utilization metrics, but this is typically handled upstream. E.g. cpu/memory utilization metrics are generally available via kubelet's metrics and other utilization metrics can be gathered from node_exporter.
New experimental runtime metrics are also availble for the tokio runtime via tokio-metrics.